South East Asia :: March to June, 1995

Tony, at Wanderlust, Vancouver's best travel shop, told me way back in 1994, before all this started:

The difference between travelling in Australia and SE Asia is this: in the morning, when you wake up in Australia, you'll know pretty much what to expect from your day; when you wake up anywhere in SE Asia, you know the day's going to be full of surprises.

To be fair, I found Australia to be full of fascinating surprises; a fact which in no way diminishes Tony's point.

KEY: many Nomadic Spirit Travelogue entries contain media files.

: Video
: Photographs
: Sound

Previous... Australia :: June 1994 — March 1995

Australia, in transit to Malaysia :: March 95

Fueling the Bonfire.

Malaysia :: March 95

Life just got a whole lot more interesting.
Beyond Here There Be Dragons
Coming up for air.
Insomnia is a writer's ally.
Cat City . . . and beyond
Visiting a longhouse in Borneo
Bat City . . . and beyond. (Part I)
Bat City . . . and beyond. (Part II)
Mount Kinabalu I

Malaysia :: April 95

RE: 95 03 18 Cat City . . . and beyond.
Mount Kinabalu II
Mount Kinabalu III

Thailand :: April 95

The King and I.
Days of brine and Islands.
Film at Eleven
About 'Film at Eleven'.
FW: RE: Cat City . . . and beyond.
Wat's up, Doc?
There's no place like. . .
I wouldn't do that if I were you.
Vipassana Climber.
TAT seeks Internet porn clean-up
Tha Tien.

Thailand :: May 95

The Accidental Farang. (Part I of The Farang)
Farang Redemption. (Part II of The Farang)
The Alien Within.
Baseball, hot dogs, apple Pai and Suzuki. (Epilogue to The Farang)
Buddha PARTIES!!!!

Vietnam :: May 95

The sun also rises
Hanoi Jane never stayed at The Hanoi Hilton
When the lights go on in the city.
Jane and Uncle Ho.

Thailand :: May 95

Re: TAT seeks Internet porn clean-up
Pay Dirt.
On the River Kwai.

Thailand :: June 95

Traveling 101

Malaysia, in transit to Japan :: June 95

Risking Dukkha.
The Feng Shui of Physics.

Japan :: June 95

Prosperity and luck in the very near future.
Turning Japanese, I really think so.
Sugar Queen
Virtual Buddha
Ree - 'oh - can.
The simplest society.
Meandering through Kyoto.
Are you afraid of the dark?
A White Road
Nozomi Shinkansen
Magazines you'll find in the lobbies of hotels

USA :: June 95

On a park bench beside the A-bomb Dome.

Canada :: June 95

RE: Pika-don
A place to hang my hat for a while

Next... Western USA :: April 1996 — July 1996