SE Asia & Japan :: April - June, 1995

Subject: RE: Pika-don
Date: June 20, 1995 09:21

16:12 Jim & Gayla's; Vancouver, BC -- Canada :: 19 JUN 95

> From: "Doug Dosdall (Exchange)"
> To: "'Patrick M. Jennings'"
> Subject: RE: Pika-don
> Date: Wed, 14 Jun 1995 10:51:45 -0700
> Encoding: 12 TEXT
> > Successive mayors of Hiroshima have sent telegrams protesting every
> > nuclear weapons test since 1968.  The telegrams are sent to the
> > countries responsible for the tests, and each expresses the fervent
> > hope that it will be the last such telegram.
> Rather timely and depressing since Chirac's announcement today
> that the French would restart their nuclear bomb testing
> program.
> All I can say is "stop the world, I want all the assholes to get off".
> Doug.

Patrick. -- Responses Sought --

"On 6 August, the fourth day of the journey home from Potsdam, came the historic news that shook the world. I was eating lunch with members of Augusta's crew when Captain Frank Graham, White House Map Room watch officer, handed me the following message:
Big Bomb dropped on Hiroshima 5 August at 7:15 PM Washington time. First reports indicate complete success which was even more conspicuous than earlier test.
"I was greatly moved. I telephoned Byrnes aboard ship to give him the news and then said to the group of sailors around me, 'This is the greatest thing in history. It's time for us to go home.'"
  graphical element US President Harry Truman,
as quoted in The Day Man Lost: Hiroshima, 6 August 1945
The Pacific War Research Society