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People's Republic of China

Jiayuguan :: Westernmost Extent of the Ming Dynasty Jiayuguan :: The Taolai River :: Westernmost Extent of the Ming Dynasty Jiayuguan :: The Taolai River :: Westernmost Extent of the Ming Dynasty Jiayuguan :: Ming Great Wall :: Jiayuguan Fort in background :: The Westernmost Extent of the Ming Dynasty Jiayuguan :: Ming Great Wall :: An excellent example of rammed earth construction :: The Westernmost Extent of the Ming Dynasty Jiayuguan :: The Fort at Jiayuguan :: The Westernmost Extent of the Ming Dynasty Jiayuguan :: The Fort at Jiayuguan :: The Westernmost Extent of the Ming Dynasty Jiuquan :: Gansu, China First climb of the day :: nearly behind us First climb of the day :: nearly behind us First climb of the day :: nearly behind us First climb of the day :: nearly behind us :: with the road winding back down A minaret :: Yes, a minaret. Plaster and paint in the Mosque's gateway. If you park it, they will come. If you park it, they will come. If you park it, they will come. If you park it, they will come. A little more like a minaret. Fish ponds :: The Chinese equivalent of mini-golf
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