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The subdivision where I grew up<br>in Lakewood, New Jersey: Candlewood, New Jersey, United States of America
: The Author.
It was never appropriate for swimming, and I'd not start fishing until my father would take me out during our summer camping trips. But Gunther's Pond was good all summer for frogs and tadpoles and minnows and turtles and all the other marvels of nature which keep a curious boy occupied. It's about a quarter mile from the house.

In the winter, there would often be skating, and though I didn't have skates yet, Dad had given me a hockey stick and we'd go down to the frozen pond to shoot the puck around a bit. Saw a kid go through the ice one year. He was trying to save a puck from going through a hole...managed to pick it up but too late to brake himself from skating right into the hole. He was rescued without incident, but he sure looked cold.

The subdivision where I grew up
in Lakewood, New Jersey
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USA · New Jersey · Candlewood
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