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China · Gansu · Hami->Turpan
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Cycling · Buildings
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From Hami to Turpan :: Xinjiang, China: Hami to Turpan, Gansu, People's Republic of China
: Spoke and Saddle attractions; Buildings.
The first night, camping at the top of a rather nasty climb. The second night, in Shanshan, at the bottom of a delicious freefall ending in some rather disturbing road construction. From Shanshan, there is road construction which I avoid for the first few dozen kilometers. Then, I am caught. At the point of this image, ohhhh, such a nasty set of corrugation--nearly threw me from the bike. It only got worse into the Flaming Mountains.
From Hami to Turpan :: Xinjiang, China
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  Location Galleries
China · Gansu · Hami->Turpan
Subject Galleries
Cycling · Buildings
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