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Roadside home/shop with owner/resident's son A little more like a minaret. Plaster and paint in the Mosque's gateway. A minaret :: Yes, a minaret. The Temple at Crescent Moon Lake :: Mingh Sha Shan ::  :: The Mountains of Singing Sands :: Dunhuang :: Gansu, China Welcome home. Pretty, isn't it? More architectural splendour Just a window. Courtyard under renovation. Just one of the beautiful places at Labrang. Doorway and prayer shawls. A little cock-eyed :: but straight on nevertheless. Rooftops  ::  ::  Where the monks dwell More boots.<p>Labrang Si, Xiahe :: Gansu Province, China From inside a warm, cozy place. From inside a warm, cozy place. (even) More architectural splendour Tibetan Architecture (even) More architectural splendour
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Thumbnails with gold borders indicate photographs that are available for sale at the Grey Matter Media Gallery as framed & unframed prints, posters, calendars, greeting cards & postcards, t-shirts & other apparel, and more novelties & gifts
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