When I moved the website to its present location in April, 1997, I got the bright idea seek all the other sites on the web linked to the eJournal and notify the webmasters of the URL change. What follows are all the links I found. There were just too many to keep the original format running.Not all the webmasters have been notified. Sometimes it's just too hard to find a an email address when webmasters are coy about putting it on every page. I just wasn't into searching around too much.
If your site's not on here, and you link anywhere into http://www.synaptic.bc.ca/ Contact Form to let me know and I'll update the page when I get a chance.
Quick Index
The Links
- Matesto Quick Index
- Torr Mundi
- Countries & Travelto Quick Index
- HomeArts: An Australian Cybertour -- Nature (It's More Than Outback)
- Kanesalingam (Home) Malasian page
- north
- KDEO Home Page
- Malaysia
- Melewar Group - Links
- Thai Links Page
- Malay Software Related Homepage
- Internet Sites, USA
- Thai Links
- Nationalhymnen - national anthems - himnos nacionales
- http://www.caravan.net/...am/visitor/asialink.htm
- Han China - India
- Asian Explorer - Malaysia
- Asian Explorer - Thailand
- Welcome to Vietnam
- Vietnam - my homeland
- W3C/ANU - Vietnam WWW VL
- Travelto Quick Index
- Wilsons Promontory National Park Victoria Australia
- Dec. 95 /Jan 96 Globetrotting
- http://www.innercite.com/~cwaller/homepage/travel/
- Packing Cameras and Electrical Appliances
- Whistler Net - Travel/Adventure
- Other Interesting Linked Sites
- YPN: Travel: Australia & Oceania: Australia: Brisbane
- Shoestring Travel Servers
- Miriam's Travel Page
- Packing Cameras and Electrical Appliances
- Untitled
- Travelite FAQto Quick Index
- PHOAKS: Resources for rec.travel.misc
- PHOAKS: Resources for rec.travel.air
- PHOAKS: Resources for comp.sys.ibm.pc.ha...
- PHOAKS: Resources for rec.travel.air
- http://www.shadowmac.org/pub/mirrors/rtfm/usenet-by-hierarchy/news/answers/travel/travelite-faq
- Travelite FAQ: How to see the world with...
- Travelite FAQ
- Travelite FAQ: How to travel with just a carry-on
- Travelite FAQ: How to see the world with...
- Travelite FAQ: How to travel with just a...
- "Enlighten Yourself." WELCOME to the Travelite FAQ! This
- Travelite FAQ: How to travel with just a carry-on
- Travelite FAQ: How to travel with just a...
- Travelite FAQ
- Travelite FAQ: How to see the world with...
- Travelite FAQ: How to travel with just a carry-on
- Untitled
- Untitled
- Untitled
- Untitled
- The Arts: imagery, sound and textto Quick Index
- Science
- D A V I D B R I N
- David Brin FAQ
- Hugh Lifson's Personal Home Page
- Calli's LänderSeite
- Bookmania!
- OPENAIR-MARKET NET - Marketplace Images
- Links for Readers
- Reading and Writers
- Lyrics and Tunes.
- http://www.suck.com/dynasuck/96/03/13
- May«s Film Page
- Erik Johnson's Virtual Gallery
- January 31, 1996
- Film Festivals
- Cars we loved
- MkzdK Guest Log September 95
- Journalsto Quick Index
- Willa's Journal - Peace and contentment
- HandiLinks To Travel Logs
- Atevo Travel: Travelogues
- Other Journals on the Web
- Thought and Action: Science, Philosophy, Religion and Activismto Quick Index
- Women's Studies
- http://s867.thu.edu.tw/~krf/women/women.html
- Free Trade, Global Markets and Military Adventures
- http://www.ucr.edu/h-gig/hist-topics/intel.old
- Postmodern Philosophy
- Guide to Philosophy on the Internet (Suber)
- Suck
- Britannia's Earth Mysteries
- UNC Literature Links
- Feng Shui and Geomancy Information by Harkness
- French Nietzsches: Links
- Philosophy
- Issues
- The Philosophy Hut
- Disinformation
- PAIDEIA:Philosophy
- Postmodernism
- Cheryl & Bill Scanlan's home page/Anthropology Links
- grammatology
- Why I am not a Postmodernist
- Intellectual History - Outside the Western Canon
- The Lakemont Company Feng Shui Links
- pHilosopHy @ pHinnWeb
- 'The Truth Is Out There'
- *** The Loud Minority! ***
- Semiotics and Commercial Culture on the Internet (TJ Olney)
- Politics
- Nerd World : BUDDHISM
- PAIDEIA:Nuclear Problems
- Authors, Stories, and Books
- Indice dell'argomento "filosofia"
- Indice dell'argomento "filosofia"
- Indice dell'argomento "filosofia"
- Voice of the Shuttle: Descriptions and Highlights Page
- Other WWW Philosophy sites
- Points of Departure.
- Untitled
- P in C: Continental Philosophy, Critical and Cultural Theory
- Science
- http://www.psych.ucalga...s/sc/taylor/MOREMEN.HTM
- Buddha Page
- Chomskyto Quick Index
- Noam
- Noam Chomsky
- MIT Press Bookstore - MIT Authors - Noam Chomsky
- Foucaultto Quick Index
- WWW Resources about Michel Foucault
- A Michel Foucault Page
- Courseworkto Quick Index
- English 301 BiWeekly Mail Archive: grading and musings
- Course Outline MGT 661
- http://www.cloudnet.com/~tti/
- On-Line Course Material
- Kate's Links: Spring 1997 Cross-Cultural Course
- following Web
- INCTECH Internet Tutorial Page 4
- Unit II Treasure Hunt
- Unit II Treasure Hunt
- On-Line Course Material
- Cultureto Quick Index
- Voice of the Shuttle: Cultural Studies Page
- News and Cultural Information
- La France à travers les âges.
- har beskrivit
- "Lutfisk"
- Voice of the Shuttle: Cultural Studies Page
- Links Pagesto Quick Index
- The Fishco HomeRoom
- (http://www.york.ac.uk/~ceg103/Netscape-hotlist)
- mononoke's bookmark
- Moore Web Sites
- Bookmark file
- The Rasor Homepage Main Screen
- cycling - Partie 3
- Andreas Bogk's Bookmarks
- Tore Morkemo's Bookmarks
- Grove Links
- ROE Links
- Webmaster's Bookmarks
- Shane Beattie's Bookmarks
- Reciprocal Linkage
- Marc Rene Preuss's Bookmarks
- World Business Links
- Departure Points!
- Tavern SuperLinks Page
- La page de Serge (Mes adresses préférées)
- Random Links I Found
- Geologic Sites on the Internet
- Site List
- Qool Links
- A Huge Mysteries Megasite, Maya, Inca, Andes, National Parks, Twisters
- Brian's home page
- http://vianetinc.com/cgi/htgrep.cgi?eJournal
- Michael Mann's Hot List
- ViaNet Links
- publicat.html
- Sven Birke's Bookmarks
- FAQ Bird Related Web Pages
- WebCrawler Results for "pragmatics"
- Phil's Links
- ULURU - The Library - Interesting Links
- Andria Thomas's Bookmarks
- Paul's Big Page of Links
- EJVG: Erik: Links
- Reciprocalto Quick Index
- Sites pointing to WorldTrans
- Miscellanyto Quick Index
- More on Benj
- Mida's Home Page
- AHB's Cybercorner
- Sharon Stone
- http://griffin.bis.net.au/cwork/com.html
- DL - Carpal Tunnel World Resources
- WebDictionary - D
- http://techpkwa.curtin..../Speleology/others.html
- Pam's Page
- nterests
- Quotes
- General Information about Seattle [Seanet]
- nobmasa
- chatting.htm
- Elephants
- The Official Naomi Home Page!
- This is Steve Fish's Personal Web Page
- Short Bio
- John Shelley's Garden Center & Nursery, Inc.