Nomadic Spirit Bicycle Touring Central

My bicycle tours across China and along British Columbia's fabled Inside Passage produced a pair of trip logs and, within them, some resources other cycling tourists may find useful.


Bicycle Tour Travelogues

. Biking the PRC

A 6,000 km odyssey from Hong Kong to Kashgar via Shanghai, Beijing, Xian and the Silk Road. There is an index of entries related to cycling and touring, for those wishing to cut to the chase.


. Haida Gwaii

Bicycling and ferrying up British Columbia's fabled Inside Passage to Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands), home of the Haida people.


Bicycle Touring Resources

. Cycle Touring Gear & Packing List

A thoroughly annotated packing list of gear and equipment used during one month cycle tour in North America. Includes expanded resources for longer tours in more remote regions and bicycle touring in general.

. Random notes on cycling China

Tips and tricks for bicycle touring in China and the third world.


General Travel Resources

. Outfitting the Multimedia Traveller

What and how to carry when mixing budget backpacker travel with multi-media equipment.


. Travel 101 ~ Anti-Theft

A simple lesson about theft for multimedia travellers.


. The Traveller's Armchair Reading List

Recommended travel writing for those dreamy moments at home.


. Traveller's Aid

Lists the generalised travel resources available on The Nomadic Spirit.

