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Susan Faludi on the Web

Faludi, Susan. Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women,(1991).
A terse review of Faludi's Backlash, appearing below, which rapidly propagated throughout the net, including the soc.feminism newsgroup FAQ, the home pages of various people and on other feminist reference sites. Note: I did not find Backlash to be in any way unsympathetic to any choices a woman must make.

Gives an overview of the reaction to feminism in America today. It is an incredible compendium of incorrect facts, bogus statistics, false logic and unfounded theories, all of which which are presented by society and the media in particular as "true" and "factual" in order to keep women subordinate. One caveat about this book is that the author seems unsympathetic to the difficult choices a woman must make if she wants to combine career and family.


Columbia Journalism Review
Another review of Backlash, this one lengthy, full-bodied. The singling out of one gender in the article's title, MYTHS THAT MEN (AND MEDIA) LIVE BY is not supported by the work being reviewed. It is quite clear in Faludi's research that women live by these myths as well. The reviewer writes,

"I came away from Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women feeling not only that it should be required reading for all Americans, but that every representative of any media organization in the country should be locked in a room until he or she has finished the last page"

A post-feminist era?
Less a review of Backlash than a quick summarization of it in comparison to Marilyn French's The War Against Women. The Reviewer writes:

"Faludi is 33, French into her 50s. Together they span the generations of women in this latest wave of feminism. This generation gap is important; Faludi and the even younger Naomi Wolf are the angry children of the three decades of the US women's movement. They are the offspring of Reagan's America, an altogether more pessimistic cohort, a lot less able to sustain dreams than were the children of Kennedy's America."

Susan Faludi and Naomi Wolf Backlashings: The Effects on Women's Minds, Jobs and Bodies
Another quick review in the guise of promoting a speech or seminar given by Faludi and Wolf. Says the reviewer:

"And there is also still that sense that the word "feminist" is pejorative; the minute you declare yourself to be one, you can feel your credibility oozing away, other women resent you for rocking the boat (can't you see this is the way it has always been?), you are automatically part of a self-fulfilling prophecy that you are doomed to a life of loneliness, despair, barrenness and social and economic marginalization."

Marriage and career
Not so much a review as a brief summation of Backlash's thesis concerning women's attitudes towards marriage and career.

Commercial media wisdom tells us single career women are desperate for marriage but will be left on the shelf: if women choose economic independence and professional fulfilment over marriage and child-bearing, the cost will be dreadful -- loneliness, nervous breakdowns, the loss of femininity.

Review of Who Stole Feminism? How Women Have Betrayed Women, by Christina Hoff Sommers
Faludi through the 'balanced' eye of a reviewer of Hoff Sommer's book, Who Stole Feminism.

According to the review, "Anyone who has read Susan Faludi's Backlash, as I have, should read Who Stole Feminism? for balance. Sommers hasn't convinced me that Faludi is completely wrong - I don't find it unlikely that some groups, especially religious conservatives, want to roll back the advances that women have made. But Sommers has a sharper mind than Faludi, and more common sense. She's also more restrained, rational, and rigorous than is Camille Paglia, but fans of Paglia's rants will find some good fiery moments in this book."

Identifying the enemy
Compares the significance and definition of self-esteem as seen by Faludi and Gloria Steinem.

Both women try to sort out why the women's movement of the '60s faltered. Why were the hard-won gains made in pay, working conditions, abortion rights and anti-discrimination legislation gradually wound back, in degrees, during the Reagan years?

Faludi critiques new 'revisionist feminism' during Olin lecture
A report on the lecture, its content and the response of some students.

At a time when the media is holding up women like Linda Tripp and Paula Jones as feminist icons, Susan Faludi says, it's no wonder women are wary of the feminist label.

Award-winning journalist visits campus
An announcement of Faludi's visit to the University of Tennessee. When I first posted this page, back in 1996, this small article offered the most depth found on the net.

"Known for her best-seller, Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women, Faludi is noted for her hard-hitting reporting style and statistical analysis. Backlash, her first book, won the National Book Critics Circle Award in 1991."


Susan Faludi on the Nomadic Spirit

Fueling the Bonfire.
Bat City . . . and beyond (Part I)
Bat City . . . and beyond (Part II)
Quotes: three different ones.