Annually compiles the 25 most important news stories you never heard about in the mainstream press. EG:Censored 2004: The Top 25 Censored Stories . Mandate: "[To] Educate people about the role of independent journalism in a democratic society and to tell The News That Didn't Make the News and why." ~ Project Censored
Maintained by Thomas Blass, Milgram Experiment authority and author of The Man Who Shocked the World: The Life and Legacy of Stanley Milgram and Obedience to Authority: Current Perspectives on the Milgram Paradigm
The Wikipedia entry for Stanley Milgram's famous (at least within social psychological circles) obedience and authority experiments.
This is a rather large PDF document (>7MB) which includes some illustrations and several important data tables from the book,Obedience to Authoritiy . This is the infamous "shock" experiment in which participating subjects applied what they believed to be potentially lethal electrical shocks to blameless victims.
What happens when you put good people in an evil place? Dr. Philip Zimbardo's official Stanford Prison Experiment website features an extensive slide show and information about this classic psychology experiment.
An awkwardly written but very informative description of the Stanford Prison Experiment.
A Stanford University News Service article primarily concerned with the circumstances leading up to the experiment being halted, and the scientific, ethical and personal ramifications.
Want the Canadian perspective? Streaming audio feed for the state-owned Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Radio One is the news and information station. If you want to know what I'm listening to, check out the Vancouver feed.
A brief introduction to archetypes. Useful not only for understanding those we wish to counter, but ourselves as well. Of what use is a blunt blade which its wielder believes to be sharp? So too for the dissident's psyche.
Perhaps the largest PNAC investigative resource on the internet. Articles, links, a newsletter, and more.
One of a curiously small number of mainstream articles covering the connection between PNAC plans for American bases in Iraq and the Bush administration's determination to oust Saddam and invade Iraq.
A peer-reviewed psychology paper analyzing "political conservatism as motivated social cognition [integrating] theories of personality (authoritarianism, dogmatism--intolerance of ambiguity), epistemic and existential needs (for closure, regulatory focus, terror management), and ideological rationalization (social dominance, system justification)." Heavy going, but worth the slog.
A good alternative press article (Rumbo News) outlining the history of dissent in the United States and the repression of it by American governments throughout that history.
Eric Margolis writes a political column for the Toronto Sun. His pieces fall definitively outside the mainstream.
"Debunking--revealing what someone doesn't want revealed--is a key ingredient in critical thinking. It is essential to the first step of rational thinking: clearly defining the problem. is important both to attain the truth AND to take into account the fact that the truth was concealed." University philosophy assignment; excellent resource.
I am loathe to mention her name or her philosophy, objectivism, a secular blunt end of conservatism. However, seeing bookseller's shelves stacked with recent reprints of her texts gives me the shivers. And so, some critiques of Rand's work.
A browser-digestible version of Project Gutenberg's online copy of P.J. Proudhon'sWhat Is Property? An Inquiry into the Principle of Right and of Government . When someone exclaims, "Anarchy and socialism are mutually exclusive!" point them to this book.
Jim Hightower is the Robin Hood of American radio. From his site: "Hightower believes the true political spectrum is not right to left but top to bottom." Listen to his wonderful two-minute daily commentary on issues that, for some reason, aren't getting the media attention they deserve.
Highlights PNAC's pre-9-11 plans "for unprecedented hikes in military spending, American military bases in Central Asia and Middle East, toppling of non-complying regimes, abrogation of international treaties, control of the world's energy sources, militarization of outer space, total control of cyberspace, and the willingness to use nuclear weapons to achieve 'American' goals."
Before Bush Jr. even decided to run for office, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and other future president's men had mapped out world hegemony for the United States of America in the 21st Century. Plenty of interest here but of particular note are the Statement of Principles and Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century (PDF format).
Excerpt: "Unfortunately, the media often promulgates and spreads superstition through uncritical presentations.... Hollywood producers, like modern-day PT Barnums, are contributing to a society of believers in superstition and the paranormal. It is when people make financial, political and personal decisions based on these kinds of superstitions that we witness the true darkside of Friday the 13th."
"Challenges racism, sexism and violence in the media through education and action." Particularly focussed on abusive stereotypes and other biased images commonly found in the media.
Alternative Radio is a weekly one-hour public affairs program directed by David Barsamian offered free to all public radio stations in the U.S., Canada, Europe, South Africa, Australia, and on short-wave on Radio for Peace International. AR provides information, analyses and views that are frequently ignored or distorted in other media.
Major organisation devoted to keeping a sharp eye on what the corporate world is up to. Very topical, well-researched, and a well-designed website.
"The Perils of Obedience" as it appeared in Harper's Magazine. Abridged and adapted fromObedience to Authority by Stanley Milgram. Copyright 1974 by Stanley Milgram.
Home of ZNet and ZMag, and a major activist organisation. Perhaps most famous as the unofficial Noam Chomsky Archive, but also provides information on and material by numerous other activist figures including Naomi Klein, Justin Podur, Howard Zinn, Arundhati Roy and numerous others. Z Sustainers can querying of these and other activists via moderated newsgroups.
A progressive media watch group which writes and distributes critiques of journalists and news publishers/broadcasters. Also establishes direct action campaigns on specific topics of interest.
A long-standing annual broadcast on CBC Radio, past lecturers include Northrop Frye (1962), John Kenneth Galbraith (1965), Martin Luther King (1967), Claude Levi-Strauss (1977), Doris Lessing (1985) Noam Chomsky (1988), John Raulston Saul (1995) and Robert Fulford (1999). Some excerpts available from the site via streaming audio.
Speaking of Noam Chomsky, he and his agent have finally decided on an official site, selected from the best already on the web. No, it's not mine.
Noam Chomsky called him "the best candidate now running" for president -- and you probably have never heard of him.
"I know in my heart and my brain that America ain't what's wrong in the world."
~ DONALD H. RUMSFELD, US defense secretary.
A message forum topic featuring the NYT article in which this quote appears, and a poll on whether America is what's wrong with the world.
A documentary film by Mark Achbar (Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media) exploring the psychopathic nature of corporations.